Martz & Associates

Martz & Associates
Health Mutual & Membership Benefit Research & Public Policy Public & Societal Benefit Social & Public Policy Research
At Martz & Associates, our approach is guided by a desire to fill our client’s unique short- and long-term needs, supporting them every step on their journey with us. The strategic process that guides our work is intentional, geared to demonstrate impact, and framed to build stakeholder capacity; to ensure the good work our client’s advance lives on and continues to add measurable value within our client's communities.
Additional Info
Locations in which the organization provides services : Apache, Cochise, Coconino, Gila, Graham, Greenlee, La Paz, Maricopa, Mohave, Navajo, Pinal, Pima, Santa Cruz, Yavapai, Yuma, Statewide, National (US), International
Select the demographics the organization focuses on or has significant programs for : Black/African American, Hispanic/Latinx, Native American/Indigenous, Asian/Pacific Islander, Pacific Islander, LGBTQ+, Differently Abled, Veterans/Military, Women, Elderly, Children/Youth, Low Income
EIN (Employer Identification Number) : 87-2234325