Arizona Wildlife Federation: Big-Tent Conservation for Our State

Arizona Wildlife Federation: Big-Tent Conservation for Our State
The Arizona Wildlife Federation (AWF) is a big-tent conservation non-profit uniting communities, organizations, and wildlife agencies in support of Arizona wildlife, habitat, and access to public lands for everyone. We promote science-based, collaborative conservation and serve as an educator, an organizer of boots-on-the-ground conservation actions, and a convener and advocate for good conservation policies. As Arizona’s oldest conservation nonprofit, this year we celebrate our 102nd birthday.
As an educator, AWF provides programming for women, youth, new hunters and anglers, families, and a variety of Arizona wildlife conservation stakeholders with the goal of providing outdoor skills, increasing environmental knowledge, and inspiring stewardship of Arizona’s natural resource treasures. As an organizer of boots-on-the-ground conservation actions, we offer volunteer opportunities, such as the removal of old barbed-wire fences from wilderness areas, which pose a danger to wildlife. We also promote home, school, business, and municipality wildlife gardening to create patches of healthy habitat throughout our communities.
As a convener, we believe that the health of our environment and everyone’s access to nature is a non-partisan issue that can unite communities rather than divide them. As an advocate, we act as a voice for wildlife, habitat, and public lands, meeting regularly with elected officials while holding public education campaigns across our many communications channels.
On the education front, we are currently preparing for one of our three annual Becoming an Outdoors-Woman (BOW) weekend workshops to be held in Prescott, April 25-27. BOW has provided outdoor skills-building for 30+ years to thousands of Arizona women. The 30+ classes offered at each workshop include: archery, rappelling, fishing, hunting, bird i.d., camp cooking, gun safety, and much more. Scholarships are available to participate.
BOW is just one of seven education offerings within our “All Afield with AWF!” program. Bridges to BOW (B2B) helps women from underserved communities to participate in the BOW program and provides opportunities for them to gather for their own conservation camping weekends. Youth Afield brings underserved youth on five unique, full-day, ecosystem-themed field trips across southern Arizona.
Currently our primary advocacy focus is uniting Arizonans in defense of the public lands that are central to our way of life in the American West. A recent slate of bills seeks to divest Arizona of its federal public lands and we are engaging a network of organizations to let our politicians know that this is not in the best interest of our wildlife or those of us who enjoy outdoor recreation. Roughly 42% of Arizona is public land owned collectively by the American people!
We also advocate for safeguarding wildlife corridors, ensuring responsible energy development, protecting Arizona watersheds, and making sure that our sporting, camping, hiking, and wildlife-watching pursuits are activities available to everyone.
We are proud to publish a quarterly, full-color magazine, The Arizona Wildlife News, produce a twice-monthly podcast, send out a twice-monthly e-newsletter, and be active public educators on social media.
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Additional Info
Media Contact : Keith Ashley, Deputy Director, 520-488-2981