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Engagement, Evaluation, and Equity: Best Practices for Gathering and Using Feedback
Thursday, April 3, 2025 (11:00 AM - 12:30 PM) (MST)
Great missions require great data. But how do you ensure the data you're collecting truly reflects the needs, experiences, and impact of your organization? Whether it’s understanding how clients engage with your services, assessing the experiences of your volunteers, or evaluating what’s working (or not) in your operations, gathering actionable feedback is key.
In this interactive workshop, you’ll learn how exemplar nonprofit leaders leverage feedback data to drive fundraising success, inform strategic decisions, and advance equity goals. We’ll share proven strategies and lessons from the field, covering essential topics like survey design, effective data collection techniques, ensuring confidentiality, reporting and visualization, and fostering organizational change.
About Listen4Good: Listen4Good partners with organizations to build strong, sustainable feedback loops that amplify community voices. Through 1:1 coaching, group learning opportunities, and an innovative web application, Listen4Good has empowered over 1000 organizations since 2016 to gather, analyze, and act on community feedback to enhance their impact.
Key Takeaways:
- Gain a deeper understanding of what makes a feedback loop effective and high-quality.
- Learn key best practices for designing and implementing meaningful feedback loops.
- Explore real-world examples of how organizations are using feedback data to increase impact, inspire action, and foster equity.
By the end of this session, participants will have the knowledge and tools to design and implement high-quality feedback loops, empowering their organizations to gather actionable data, enhance decision-making, and drive meaningful, equitable impact.
Members: $0
Prospective Members: $30
- *In many cases membership may be less the cost of a few workshops, and provide a lot more benefits to you and your organization, please contact Member Services for more information and potentially check out this event at no cost - membership@azimpactforgood.org.
Meet our Speakers:
Heidi Elneil, Senior Coordinator of Partner Services, Listen4Good
Heidi Elneil is the Senior Coordinator of Partner Services at Listen4Good and, in that role, is the first thought partner that nonprofits have in assessing and strengthening their feedback processes. Before coming to Listen4Good she was the "youth person" for organizations around California - helping develop youth programming and leadership opportunities. She spent years focusing on strengths-based leadership and organizational development and is a certified LEGO Serious Play facilitator.
Sachi Takahashi-Rial, Director of Partner Services, Listen4Good
Sachi Takahashi-Rial, the Director of Partner Services at Listen4Good, is a nonprofit leader working at the intersection of community engagement and impact measurement. In her role at L4G, she champions the role of constituent input in not only continuous quality improvement, but also in building trust with community. A dynamic presenter who uses humor and data, she has presented at such conferences as the Carnegie Summit on Improvement in Education, the School Superintendents Association (AASA) National Conference on Education, and the Center for Effective Philanthropy’s annual conference for foundation leaders.
Earlier in her career, Sachi worked in education at the school, district, and state level, and for organizations ranging from a tech startup to a state department of education.
Educational Event