AZ Impact for Good Events
AZ Impact for Good Events
Nonprofit Lifecycles Workshop (Virtual)
9:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Join us for this hands-on, interactive workshop for organizational teams of 3 to 5 to learn about the 7 Nonprofit Lifecycles Stages and build a capacity assessment plan for your organization.
Breaking through the Noise: Effective Storytelling in Election Years (VIRTUAL)
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
At a time when countless worthy causes seek the attention of voters, legislators, donors, and conscientious community members, how can you break through the noise and grab the attention of the people you need to reach to make change? In this webinar, ...
Good Governance is a Team Sport! (Virtual)
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
You are invited to a virtual workshop hosted by the Center for Healthy Nonprofits, in partnership with AZ Impact for Good. Service on a nonprofit board is often likened to a “team sport” because effective governance requires collaboration, shared ...
Design for Deeper Learning Annual Series (Virtual)
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
The Design for Deeper Learning Annual Series invites learning & development experts to share ideas and insights with the people delivering learning programs within nonprofits, philanthropic organizations, and government agencies.