Boost A Foster Family


Human Services Children’s & Family Services Public Safety & Disaster Preparedness


Boost a Foster Family was created to meet the needs of low-income kinship families applying for foster care licensure. We receive referrals from Arizona Department of Child Services and Arizona licensing agencies that are working with families experiencing financial difficulties. We believe that by helping to provide in-kind safety items and services, (such as fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, fees for CPR classes), we can remove some of the obstacles that slow down the licensing process while at the same time making a home safe for these vulnerable children.

Our hope is that our work will help foster children to be placed in a home in a timelier manner, avoiding lengthy stays in shelters and group homes. Prospective foster families will fulfill their state requirements and be granted licenses quicker, thus allowing them to begin receiving much needed resources only available to licensed caregivers.

Additional Info

Locations in which the organization provides services : Statewide

Select the demographics the organization focuses on or has significant programs for : Children/Youth, Elderly, At-risk Youth

EIN (Employer Identification Number) : 81-3403400


Alice Burba
Vice President

Michelle Noe

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